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About Us

My finance blog intends to write about money, business, financial technology, our entrepreneurial endeavors, and what the culture is like where we work and live. We want this to be a place where you’ll find informative content, discussion, and valuable resources in the areas of money management, investing, spending and shopping, self-development, entrepreneurship, and much much more.

Heck, anything that touches the subjects of finance and business will be fair game. While this site is currently a personal finance blog, we’re working hard beneath the covers to transform our blog into a more comprehensive personal finance web resource with a variety of features.

We aim to make things interesting and educational, as well as entertaining, and we hope you find this place conducive to discussion and commentary. While we encourage you to learn as much as you can about how to manage your money well, if you find that you DO need financial advice, then please meet with a professional.

Website: https://cashadvancet.com/